Summary: | The existing Motion Imitation models typically require expert data obtained through MoCap
devices, but the vast amount of training data needed is difficult to acquire, necessitating
substantial investments of financial resources, manpower, and time. This project combines 3D
human pose estimation with reinforcement learning, proposing a novel model that simplifies
Motion Imitation into a prediction problem of joint angle values in reinforcement learning.
This significantly reduces the reliance on vast amounts of training data, enabling the agent
to learn an imitation policy from just a few seconds of video and exhibit strong generalization
capabilities. It can quickly apply the learned policy to imitate human arm motions in unfamiliar
videos. The model first extracts skeletal motions of human arms from a given video using 3D
human pose estimation. These extracted arm motions are then morphologically retargeted onto
a robotic manipulator. Subsequently, the retargeted motions are used to generate reference
motions. Finally, these reference motions are used to formulate a reinforcement learning
problem, enabling the agent to learn policy for imitating human arm motions. This project
excels at imitation tasks and demonstrates robust transferability, accurately imitating human
arm motions from other unfamiliar videos. This project provides a lightweight, convenient,
efficient, and accurate Motion Imitation model. While simplifying the complex process of
Motion Imitation, it achieves notably outstanding performance.