Summary: | The construction industry plays a vital role in shaping the urban landscape and boosting the
economic development. Project success of the building construction requires effective
management strategies and an in-depth understanding of the critical success factors (CSF)
involved. The main personnel concerned with the CSFs is the project managers (PMs). The
success and the effectiveness of the project can be determined by how effective the PMs
understands these critical factors and implement them onto their projects.
This research deploys a mixed-method approach, combining through literature reviews with a
list of CSFs obtained through surveying building construction professionals in the Singapore
construction industry. The survey totaled 281 respondents from various institutions such as The
Institution of Engineers (IES), GuocoLand Ltd, NTU Alumni and The Singapore Contractors
Association Ltd. The survey data are analyzed and compared with an extensive literature review.
The top 5 CSFs were as followed: 1. Coordination and Communication, 2. Leadership, 3.
Problem solving, 4. Scope, cost, time, 5. Planning.
Moreover, a separate CSFs are obtained via web scraping from LinkedIn website using
beautifulsoup in the Python. The data mined obtained the requirements of job advertisements
posted on LinkedIn. In the advertisement search filter, only post with project managers and above
roles are considered. The data are further analyzed using NVivo software to obtain the most
frequent used key words appeared in all advertisement post. Then CSFs data from the NVivo
software and survey results are compared if there are closely related.
The research propels the authority and the CSFs for the PMs to secure a proper planning of
resources and sharing of information. This allows the projects to be operated smoothly where the
PMs have the most understanding and information on the project to make the best decision for
the project success. The less precedence CSF but share some degree of importance are as
followed: 1. Organizational management, 2. Motivation, 3. Expertise, 4. Strategic perspective, 5.
Emotional intelligence.