Summary: | Inconel 725 (IN725) is a newly developed high-entropy superalloy designed to
incorporate its previous counterparts' high strength and high corrosion resistance.
These properties are highly sought after in industries that require shielding from
extremely harsh physical environments, such as oil and gas, automotive, and
aerospace. However, there is a research gap in the characterization of the
microstructure and mechanical properties of IN725 fabricated by Laser Powder Bed
Fusion (LPBF). In this report, microstructural analysis and mechanical tests were carried out. The effects of different power levels and scanning strategies were rigorously
investigated. Microstructural analysis was done using optical and scanning electron
microscopes equipped with electron backscatter diffraction detectors (EBSD) on the
printed components. Tensile tests and Vickers hardness tests were conducted to
characterize the mechanical properties of IN725 printed at different power levels and
scanning strategies. The results indicated that a higher power level yielded IN725 of higher
strength. At the same time, the scanning strategy of 30º yielded the highest strength in
IN725 among all the scanning strategies.