Summary: | Singapore’s geology, characterized by diverse layers, includes marine clay, a prominent component of Kallang Formation often found in low-lying coastal regions like Changi. Land reclamation efforts in such areas rely on dredged Marine Clay. Marine Clay present significant challenges in engineering due to its weak compressive strength. To address this challenge, soil stabilization techniques such as the addition of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) are traditional methods employed. However, such methods are seen as an energy-intensive process. Hence, this project aims to evaluate the efficacy of alternative waste-based expansive agents in conjunction with Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) to bolster the compressive strength of marine clay while being environmentally friendly. The study outlines a comprehensive methodology involving material preparation, experimental setup, testing procedures and analysis. The results showed that the addition of waste-based expansive agents can increase the compressive strength of the clay and at the same time achieve lesser carbon emission in comparison to OPC.