Summary: | The aim of this paper is to provide a description of a number of phonetic aspects of Manange, a Tibeto-Burman language of Nepal. Specifically I describe acoustic properties of select units in the segmen¬tal and suprasegmental domains. In particular, the tone system of Manange is of special interest because the domain of the tone bearing unit is the phonological word, as opposed to the syllable (e.g. Lahu) or the morpheme (e.g. Lhasa and Dolpo Tibetan). Other features of inter¬est include the allophonic variation of the tap consonant and the status of nasalized and long or lengthened vowels. This analysis represents a first focused account of the major phonetic properties of Manange, and as such is of interest to other scholars of Tibeto-Burman languages, especially those with asymmetrical inventories or typologically unique tone systems.