Summary: | We report on the generation of ultrafast spin currents through femtosecond laser excitation of epitaxial bilayer thin films comprising α-Fe2O3 (an insulating antiferromagnet) and Pt (a heavy metal). The epitaxial thin films of α-Fe2O3 were simultaneously grown in three distinct orientations, namely, R, A, and C planes, employing pulsed laser deposition. By using the R plane α-Fe2O3, we demonstrate a substantial enhancement of the THz signal, nearly one order of magnitude greater compared to the A and C planes α-Fe2O3/Pt. We perform a detailed investigation into the sample azimuthal and laser polarization dependence of the THz emission. Our investigations establish that the sample azimuthal dependence of THz emission in the α-Fe2O3/Pt system is linked to the spin domain distribution as well as the crystalline symmetry of the orientation of α-Fe2O3. These results contribute significantly to understanding the ultrafast dynamics of spin currents in antiferromagnets.