Summary: | 在两次鸦片战争的失败后,面对日本的崛起和西方列强的挑战,晚清政府被迫签订多个不平等条约,割地赔款。在此情况下,清廷提出了“自强”的主张。以李鸿章为代表的一批有识之士基于“师夷长技以制夷”的理念,发起了洋务运动,旨在强军救国,因此海上防御成为紧迫问题,海军建设势在必行。本文通过分析《李鸿章全集》中的奏折、信函及其他相关史料,探讨李鸿章和洋务派在外部列强威胁和内部阻碍下,如何通过洋务运动推动海军建设。笔者发现,清廷内部保守派士大夫对西方科学技术非常排斥,并且以阻碍天文算学馆的建设和停止海防经费等原因,多方面阻止海防的发展。但在李鸿章及洋务派的努力下,纷纷上书,以求保留学习西方技术的同时,建设海防军事,以求自强。李鸿章在《筹议海防折》中提出的“海防六大方针”:练兵、简器、造船、筹饷、用人、持久,体现了李鸿章对海防建设的系统性思考和长远规划。
After the defeats in the two Opium Wars and in the face of Japan's rise and the challenges posed by Western powers, the late Qing government was forced to sign numerous unequal treaties, ceding territories and paying reparations. In response, the Qing court proposed the idea of "self-strengthening." Figures like Li Hongzhang, inspired by the concept of "learning from the West to counter the West," initiated the Self-Strengthening Movement, which aimed to save the nation by strengthening its military, making coastal defence an urgent issue. Naval construction became imperative. This paper analyzes memorials, letters, and other related historical materials from the Complete Works of Li Hongzhang to explore how Li Hongzhang and the Self-Strengthening faction promoted naval construction despite the external threats from foreign powers and internal obstacles. The author finds that conservative officials within the Qing court were deeply resistant to Western science and technology, obstructing the development of maritime defence in various ways, such as hindering the construction of the Astronomical and Mathematical Academy and cutting off coastal defence funds. However, through the persistent efforts of Li Hongzhang and the Self-Strengthening faction, memorials were submitted to advocate for learning Western technologies while simultaneously developing coastal defence to strengthen the nation. In his memorial "Memorial on Maritime Defense Planning," Li Hongzhang outlined six major principles for coastal defence: troop training, simplifying equipment, shipbuilding, raising funds, personnel management, and long-term planning. These reflect his systematic thinking and long-term vision for coastal defence.