Summary: | This paper investigates the interaction of the fluid structure on the continuous oscillating
equilateral triangle wedge in the uniform flow through dye flow visualization, phaseaveraged
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and force and torque measurements in the
water tunnel. This particular fluid-structure interaction phenomenon is the continuous
angular oscillation of a centrally-pivoted equilateral triangular cylinder, under uniform
two-dimensional flow with initial perturbation. On the windward side of the cylinder, a
vortex was formed at the sharp edges of the cylinder during the initial phase, whereas on
the leeward side, the flow stayed attached. The phase-averaged Particle Image
Velocimetry (PIV) measurements are also presented. PIV results show the interchange of
flow patterns from that over a flat plate to flow past a sharp edge and vice versa as
predicted. The PIV system used was DANTEC Dynamics ND-YAG. The wave length of
this green light laser produced was 532 nm. The seeding particle was PSP Polyamide, 50
μm diameter. The software used for the PIV analysis was DANTEC DynamicStudio
V1.45. An equilateral triangular cylinder of 30cm long and 10cm wide made up of
plexiglass was used. The free-stream velocity was 16 cm/s. The period of the full
oscillation cycle was 5.72 second. The corresponding Reynolds number based on width
was 16000. Likewise, the Strouhal number was 0.108. The PIV plots shown were from
the half-cycle (counter-clockwise motion) oscillation. The torque-angular position plot
shows the stable oscillation manner. When the wedge moves in counter-clockwise
motion (from +max to -max), the moment changes sign from positive to negative. The
initial moment is rather constant (~ + M0) until the wedge moves pass the equilibrium
point ( = 0), the moment reduces to opposite value (-M0). At the -max position, the
moment is negative, causing the wedge to move back (clockwise), i.e. -max to +max, and
vice versa.