Summary: | The present study sought to explore the influence of perfectionism on phishing from the
perspective of the heuristic-systematic model (HSM) of information processing. HSM is a
framework underlying successful phishing attacks, which can be influenced by perfectionism.
The current study’s design was a 2x4 repeated-measures, mixed between and within-subjects
design. A target of 150 responses was specified for the study. However, only 73 responses were
valid. Participants (n = 73) completed a self-report questionnaire measuring their levels of trait
perfectionism and perfectionistic self-presentation, before viewing a series of emails. After
viewing each email, they self-reported their likelihood of clicking on the embedded links (i.e.,
phishing susceptibility) and confidence in their judgement. Repeated-measures ANOVA was
conducted to analyse the data. The results showed a positive relationship between trait
perfectionism and phishing susceptibility (r = .250, p < .05), with a small effect size.
Furthermore, a positive relationship was demonstrated between perfectionistic self-presentation
(r = .338, p < .01), with a medium effect size. No moderating effects were observed for both trait
perfectionism and perfectionistic self-presentation; on the relationship between the use of
persuasion principles in phishing emails and phishing susceptibility. The results suggested that
both trait perfectionism and perfectionistic self-presentation could be antecedents of phishing