Summary: | Droplet microfluidics has gained significant attention as a valuable tool in recent years
due to its ability to precisely compartmentalize tiny fluid volume (~pL) and generate
monodisperse droplet sizes. Besides high throughout drug screening, another key
application in tissue engineering involves the 3D encapsulation of cells within hydrogel
particles to support cell proliferation. However, most existing setups rely on bulky and
expensive pumps which limit portability and translation to clinical use. Here, we aim to
develop a compact and portable droplet microfluidic pneumatic system capable of
encapsulating cells within hydrogel (GelMA) microparticles (~100 to 200 µm).
Microfluidic devices were fabricated using photolithography (SU8), and on-chip and offchip UV crosslinking methods were compared to enhance droplet uniformity and stability.
A compact portable pump system comprising of 2 pneumatic pumps, pressure sensors, an
inline curing holder, collection tube holder, microfluidic device holder, and curing device
storage was designed and fabricated using 3D printing. As a proof of concept, liver cells
(HepG2) were encapsulated within GelMA droplets and on-chip crosslinking produced
more uniform droplets and reduced coalescence as compared to off-chip methods.
Encapsulated cells also exhibited high viability, indicating the system’s biocompatibility
and potential in 3D cell culture. Overall, this portable microfluidic system provides an
efficient and scalable solution for on-site droplet production to advance research in drug
delivery and tissue engineering.