Summary: | We investigate the quantum Hall effect in a single Landau level in the
presence of a square superlattice of $\delta$-function potentials. The
interplay between the superlattice spacing $a_s$ and the magnetic length
$\ell_B$ in clean system leads to three interesting characteristic regimes
corresponding to $a_s \lt \ell_B$, $a_s \gg \ell_B$ and the intermediate one
where $a_s \sim \ell_B$ . In the intermediate regime, the continuous magnetic
translation symmetry breaks down to discrete lattice symmetry. In contrast, we
show that in the other two regimes, the same is hardly broken in the
topological band despite the presence of the superlattice. In the presence of
weak disorder (white-noise) one typically expects a tiny fraction of extended
states due to topological protection of the Landau level. Interestingly, we
obtain a large fraction of extended states throughout the intermediate regime
which maximizes at the special point $a_s = \sqrt{2\pi} \ell_B$. We argue the
superlattice induced percolation phenomenon requires both the breaking of the
time reversal symmetry and the continuous magnetic translational symmetry. It
could have a direct implication on the integer plateau transitions in both
continuous quantum Hall systems and the lattice based anomalous quantum Hall