Summary: | 从英帝国主义的地界过渡到马来主义至上的后殖民境域,马来西亚建国独立已臻半个世纪。马来西亚华裔移民经历了马共武装斗争的洗礼,也见证了种族冲突血洗的
惨烈。一路带着历史记忆烙下的伤痕走来,还要持续承受执政者的文化压迫。 本文以马来西亚独立后三位作家为例,分别来自东、西马的他们代表了 1950 年
代至 1970 年三个世代出生的年轻作家群,从他们的作品中探索移民后裔如何解读后殖民和移民历史的隐晦。第一章先爬梳后殖民文学理论的滥觞以及各地的研究概况,
殖民时代的文化自主心态,以及移民后裔对文化原乡所折射的殊同情结。 Having evolved from the colony of British Imperialism to the postcolonial nation of Malay hegemony, Malaysia’s independence has been more than half a century. The Chinese migrants from the early stage had gone through the struggles of Malaya communist armed forces and the miserable years of race riots. Now their descendants are still facing the threat of Malay’s hegemony. Over the past few decades,Chinese Malaysian have been bearing the traumatic memories in history and have endured the apparent pressure of cultural violence imposed by the dominant group of the country.
This thesis selects three Malaysian local-born Chinese writers as subjects of analysis which represent the Malaysian Chinese community after the independence. The first chapter outlines the methodology, scope and purpose of this research, with focus on the origin of postcolonialism and its development. The second chapter analyses Li Zishu’s novel and her views of the origin sin of human nature in the historical context of Chinese migration in Malaysia and also of the mainstream history of Malaysia and ethnic Chinese. The third chapter focuses on Huang Jinshu’s works on the racial fissures, cultural hegemony, identity construction, and he subvert the strong force of assimilation policy in Malaysia. The forth chapter examines how Zhang Guixing, with setting on the East Malaysia rainforest, uses his literary language to rewrite and reconstruct the relations between the Chinese migrants and the aboriginals. The last chapter summarizes the writers’ respective writing techniques and deep concerns towards their culture, their diasporic sense of cultural self-determination and their anxiety as an ethnic minority in Malaysia.