Summary: | In the past 2 or 3 decades, IPv4 proves it as a dominant Internet protocol.
Nowadays, with the growth of network usage worldwide, IPv4 address is going to be
exhausted soon. IPv6 is considered as a good replacement for IPv4 in the near future.
However, IPv6 based application has a communication problem with IPv4 based
application and vice versa.
Developed by a team in 4G Lab, Venosink software is a bridge that can let IPv4
and IPv6 communicates with each other without changing the network architecture.
Venosink provides an easy method to use and transparent software to clients. In this
project, we are continuing a previous work done by others by revising Venosink software
as well as to further improve Venosink software. During a period of this project, we
develop 3 modules for Venosink software including Update new version, login module
and password retrieval module.
Furthermore, in this project, we also develop an Online User Management system
that allows customers to manage their Venosink online account as well as to pay for their
usage in Venosink service. Besides, Venosink online also allows administrator to manage
all customers and perform system statistics. In addition, Online User Management system
also provides a user interface for administrator to manage all Venosink gateways.
Within the period of project, all the requirements are met; however, there are
some security features could be developed to make a system more secured from external
attack such as SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting.