Summary: | 华巫通婚案例在新加坡早期19世纪是廖若晨星的。根据新加坡统计局的“婚姻与离婚2009”报告显示华巫通婚数字不断增加。华巫通婚的情况会有如此的变化说明了不同种族在新加坡有愈加融合的趋势,而促进华巫通婚的因素涉及社会、人口、涵化、心理等方面。本文运用新加坡统计局的婚姻资料,简述华巫通婚的现象。同时也通过对异族通婚的问卷调查和访谈剖解华巫通婚的种种因素和种种问题。问卷调查结果显示 85%的受调查者不会排斥和外族通婚,而华巫通婚最难克服的障碍是宗教而不是文化。
The number of Chinese-Malay inter-ethnic marriage in Singapore during the 19th century was considered rare. However, statistics obtained from “Marriages and Divorces 2009” report collated by Singapore Department of Statistics showed that Chinese-Malay marriages have increased over the years. This thesis examines the population distribution, acculturation, social and psychological factors and etc that could have contributed to the increase. Based on the analysis of survey and interview data, it is revealed that most of the respondents do not reject inter-ethnic marriage, and the greatest obstacle to Chinese-Malay marriage is religion and not culture.