Summary: | 大屠杀对受害者带来了深远的影响,因此导致受害者一直向加害者追讨历史责任。受害者希望加害者能够有所反思,然而一些加害者却为了维护国家的形象,不惜扭曲历史事实,而引发了国内外的纠纷。年轻一代也拒绝与历史罪责有任何牵涉,因为他们并没有参与大屠杀。大屠杀事件虽然已经成为了历史,它却继续影响着现今的政治与社会的发展,因此成为了历史符号。本文会以“南京大屠杀”、“纳粹大屠杀”与“原子弹大屠杀”进行综合与对比。Massacre has brought about far-reaching impact on the victims, thus they continue to pursue historical responsibility from the aggressors. Policies that interfaced with the problem of historical reflections triggered domestic and international disputes. Some politicians resorted to the distortion of historical facts to safeguard their country's image, however more discontent was created. The younger generations also violently reject any implication of collective guilt, as they are not involved in the massacre. Although Massacre has become history, it continues to affect today's political and social development as a historical symbol. This paper is a comparative study based on “Nanjing Massacre", "Holocaust" and "Atomic bomb".