Summary: | As one of the major wireless technology, Bluetooth technology has been implemented in various communication devices. According to Bluetooth Specification ver. 1.1, a Bluetooth piconet supports up to 7 Asynchronous Connectionless Links (ACL) and 3 Synchrounous Connection Oriented (SCO) links. In practice, the ACL and SCO links have been associated to the data and voice links, respectively. Until recently, most of the available Bluetooth products in the market are only single-link products. A pair of Bluetooth-enabled handphone unit and its headset is a popular application of the single audio-link product. The only Bluetooth device which may support multiple links are the Bluetooth Access Point. Nevertheless, it only supports multiple ACL links. Hence, there is, in fact, a vacuum in the development of Bluetooth multiple-SCO-link product and this fact underlines the importance of this project in studying the possibily of implementing multiple- SCO-link Bluetooth devices.