Summary: | This project focuses on introducing elements into the NTU Virtual Campus to provide a more realistic experience for the user. The NTU Virtual Campus is an online 3-dimensional model of the actual campus of Nanyang Technological University where students can attend online lectures and tutorials as though they were on location themselves.
The elements mentioned included vehicles of different make and models to mimic the traffic conditions of the school roads. The engine to make the vehicles move was based on previous students’ work and modified to imitate the movement of vehicles. Vehicles were made to follow the paths of normal bus routes, emitted engine noises when near and headlights were made to switch on during night travelling.
Tests were conducted to select the best implementation for the Virtual Campus so that it gives a life-like feel for the user, for example, there were crude representations of the vehicles before more realistic models were chosen eventually.
Currently there are only 8 different types of vehicles added, more could be added to increase the randomness of vehicles plying the routes. There are several other ideas that were not implemented but are mentioned towards the end of this report as future recommendations.