Résumé: | Computer simulation becomes more and more complex nowadays. A large-scale distributed simulation can help experts with different domain knowledge and expertise, possibly at different locations collaborate and share computing resources regardless geographical distribution.
SOHR is a Service Oriented HLA RTI (High Level Architecture Runtime Infrastructure) developed at Nanyang Technological University. It is an open-source middleware (Apache License, Version 2.0) that is designed for executing HLA-based distributed simulations in a Grid environment. Compare to DMSO RTI (coded in C++) which is widely used currently, SOHR (coded in Java) gains benefit from both the beauty of java language and grid service provided.
In the first part of this project, a java version interface called DSManager is implemented to interface Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Simulation Package (CSP) with SOHR.
The second part, one test case which is called Ping-pong test will be studied to exam and investigate the new interface.