Summary: | In this final year report, various techniques and optimization methods used in Ultra-Wide band real time location system has been discussed by the author.
Real Time Locating System is used to track and identify the location of objects.
Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) is defined by the FCC part 15 rules: First, the transmitted signal must occupy either i) a fractional bandwidth (FBW) of at least 25% of the center frequency or ii) of at least 500 MHz of absolute bandwidth. Second, the emitted Power Spectral Density (PSD) from a UWB source must meet some limitations. A UWB location system consists of tags, wireless reader networks and a software platform.
In this report, the author has derived the system models for a few different techniques and explained the error mitigation methods for position estimation very specifically. Distance and layout of the readers has been considered during the derivation of theoretical bound of each method. The author has organized the simulations into a few scenarios in order to show and compare the results
All the algorithms and simulations have been completed in MATLAB. Part of MATLAB coding will be cited in the report for illustration.