Summary: | Many studies have shown that the varieties of English spoken in Singapore are not all Standard English. A trend has been observed in Singapore's population, showing that many do not converse in Standard English. To rectify this issue, it is necessary to create appropriate language learning tools to aid in the learning of Standard English.
The program in this project, Audio Dictionary, is an English language learning tool which aims to help users to learn English. In particular, this tool is able to help English learners to improve the accuracy of pronunciation not only in the single word level, but in the sentence level. Unlike the traditional on-line/electronic dictionaries which only provide the pronunciation of the word looked up, this tool articulates the desired word in sentences of the user's choice from a pool of audio books. Learning the pronunciation of words in sentences will help increase the naturalness and intelligibility of speech. Further, the users can record their own voice and compare with the correct production. In addition, this tool includes a special feature which transfers the audio files into Sonogram. Through the visual presentation of the sentences read, the users will be able to obtain feedback from both auditory and visual input. Thus, it will meet the needs for both auditory and visual learners. Another feature of this tool is that it allows user to add more audio books into the dictionary database. Through this feature, it overcomes the limitation of the amount of vocabularies that traditional dictionaries bear.
In this report, the research and findings will first be presented. Thereafter, the current tools that are available for learning English will be mentioned. Software and tools that are being utilized will be introduced as well. Next, the report will proceed to discuss on the implementation of the program, followed by some of the problems and limitations that exist. Finally, a conclusion and future work will be covered.