Summary: | The current trend to collaborate businesses across the web has led to an increase in more complex business processes. The increase in information that is available to enterprises during business collaboration has seen an increasing need for a platform to dynamically formulate and integrate cross-enterprise collaboration business processes (cBPs).
The creation BOWL, a B2B hierarchical task Web ontology which is capable of bridging low level business tasks to high level business goals has seen a need of workflow verification tools that can help designers in checking for correctness of workflow models efficiently. The purpose of workflow verification is to examine any conflicts or anomalies in the workflow models so as to ensure their relevance when formulating business tasks to fulfill high level business goals.
Most commercial workflow management systems however do not yet provide workflow designers with a formal workflow verification tool and the lack of a formal methodology for workflow verification remains a major concern. Furthermore, the need for multiple verification techniques to handle different part of the verification process has introduced additional complexity to the verification process.
To work around this issue, the author will be approaching the verification process from another angle. This is first done by separating the verification process into 2 parts, namely the missing tasks and routing of the business tasks which would be verified using software engineering verification techniques, due to the relevance and feasibility of such an approach towards verifying BOWL. And secondly the control flow pattern which would be tackled using a novel approach by logic-based verification method.