Summary: | Three different formulations of LDPE-starch blends with increasing amount of starch were formulated and mechanical properties for each formulation were tested to observe the effect from the additives in the formulations. Formulation 1 and 2 had the same additives while Formulation 3 was added with a different set of additives. Degradation test was done to examine the degradability of all formulations. Each of the formulations was extruded, pressed, and cut to form a dumb-bell shape samples. Tensile strength, elongation, and modulus of these samples, were then be evaluated. Duration for degradation test was 4 weeks with three time points and on each time point mechanical properties and mass loss of the samples were evaluated.
Tensile strength results of samples before degradation test show that increase in starch amount and presence of additives of Maleic Anhydride, Oleic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide would decrease the tensile strength, although starch amount had less impact than the additives. On the other hand, for elongation, starch amount had more impact than the additives. Presence of Calcium Stearate as lubricating aid did not affect the properties too much, Glycerol, and PVA did not improve the tensile strength and elongation of samples. Modulus of samples was decreased by increase in starch amount, but this could be overcome by presence of EAA.
The degradation test showed that Formulation 3 had the highest degradation rate. Formulation 1 also degraded, although with slower rate compared to Formulation 3. Finally, longer period of degradation test needed to be done for Formulation 2 to get more accurate results for the degradability.