Summary: | Introduction: Renal Cell carcinoma (RCC) has been a global clinical burden accounting for 3% of all human solid carcinomas. Loss of sFRP1 expression has been found in many human solid tumours, especially RCC. Hence, it is of interest to retrospectively examine the alteration of sFRP1 expression in RCC tissues.
Material and Methods: To detect for sFRP1 expression in the 50 RCC tissues (inclusive of various subtypes, Fuhrman grades and tumour sizes), polymer-based immunohistochemistry staining was performed.
Results: Not including chromophobe RCCs, there was loss of sFRP1 expression in 70% of the RCCs (P = 0.009) while remaining 30% of the RCC cases demonstrated 2-fold decrease of sFRP1 expression when compared to the external normal renal tissues. Chromophobe RCCs showed focal weak sFRP1 expression, when compared to their internal normal renal tissue. Statistical results then showed that degree of sFRP1 expression did not correlate with subtype of RCC, Fuhrman grade of ccRCC and size of tumour (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: sFRP1 antagonizes development of RCC (may include ccRCC and pRCC but not Chromophobe) that is mediated by constitutive Wnt signaling.
Future Direction: sFRP1 would be developed into a prognostic/diagnostic marker as and an epigenetic or restoration therapy for RCC.