Summary: | With the rapid increase in population in developing countries around the world, concerns about housing problems have been on the rise as many lose their homes as a result of such disasters. As such, it is crucial to build housing with materials that are self-substantial and environmentally friendly. Bamboo, which has a favorable mechanical property is an ideal material to be used to build houses to enable the local community to create proper housing in a sustainable manner.
The context of this project aims to conduct a series of tests to have a better understanding on the material properties of bamboo and for the construction of the small bamboo shelter for the needy people. In collaboration with Lien Institute for Environment (LIFE), this project aims to address the issues of people accessing to stable and safe accommodation.
Experimental testing that was done for this project included the tensile test, bending test, buckling test, compression test and bearing test. As part of the dual project, this report will be focusing on the buckling, compression and bearing strength of the bamboo. A literature review about bamboo as a structural element and buckling, compression and bearing test has been documented too. In addition, a methodology, observations made and data analysis will be discussed as well.
A copy of this report will be submitted to Lien Institute for the Environment (LIFE) of School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The report can be served as a guideline for future projects and research done in this particular area of study.