Summary: | New building has been associated with the presence of new carpets and upholsteries, new electronics and other plastics equipments, glues and adhesives and aerosols which may produce indoor air pollutants. This project is to find out whether the above potential pollutants emitter are true. Parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, bacteria and fungi, particulate matter concentrations will be measured and evaluated. This project is crucial in determining whether the room is healthy or is it showing signs of a sick building syndrome.
Two rooms were selected to attain the readings namely, Auditorium and Free Access Lab 2. Each room data will then be compared with the ‘Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises’. The effect of the usage of aerosols and the movement of people in the room will be taken note off. The results from each room will also be compared with one another as different room contains different set of equipments and furnitures present. Indoor air quality of the room will then be concluded from the results. This is important as good indoor air quality leads to higher productivity.