Summary: | The innovative Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) technology develops very fast recently since it provides a promising solution for some applications. Healthcare is the highest demand area for WBAN technology. Many research projects focus on healthcare, especially for health monitoring targeting on different groups. However, there are some issues related to the energy of this wearable system, like inconvenience of changing battery. Therefore, developing energy efficient WBAN system is also a hot research topic.
This project developed a comprehensive WBAN system in the context of children health monitoring. A system with data measuring, data transmission, primary diagnose, energy efficient algorithm as well as energy harvesting module is designed and implemented.
The whole project consists of three parts, master node on human body, slave node as base station and PC server analysing data. Master node works with heart beat sensor belt for measuring body temperature and heart beat, and then transmits what it has got to slave node in form of data packets. Slave node passes data packets to PC server for further data analysis. PC based server realizes a GUI and some functions like primary diagnose, logging data and email alert message
In order to solve energy issue, power efficiency method is used for operating at different modes at different times. In addition, an innovative energy harvest module is added into this system which harvests energy from solar and vibration. The efficiency of two energy harvesting sources are explored and discussed in the view of feasibility.