Summary: | Research and experiments were carried out to various synthesized metal
alloy electrocatalysts for better understanding on its performance for ethanol
oxidation. In this report, electrocatalysts were subjected to different metal
compositions in searching of better performance alloy electrocatalysts.
Metals such as platinum (Pt), Rhodium (Rh), Nickel (Ni) and Cobalt (Co)
were used in alloying for the formation of electrocatalyst, and chemicals for
instance, the Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4) and Ethyl Glycol (EG) were used
as reducing agent in the experiments. Cyclic voltammogram and
chronoampergrams were also performed to aid in analyzing the collected
data for hydrogen and ethanol oxidation activities of the electrocatalyst. And
with the gathered tabulated results, it was proven that platinum and rhodium
(PtRh) and platinum, rhodium, nickel (Pt75Rh15Ni10) electrocatalysts were
capable of better performance compared with the rest of electrocatalysts.
Possible errors attributed to the results causing other platinum (Pt) metal
alloy electrocatalysts not performing as good were highlighted. These errors
were sought to be modified in searching of better performance and cost
saving of metal alloy electrocatalysts.