Summary: | The objective of this project is to study the in-band performance of the C, S and L-band
blade antennas and from the in-band performance; their out-of-band characteristic is
studied. It is important to study the out-of-band performance so that we could
understand the electromagnetic compatibility, susceptibility and immunity of the system.
This will allows us to determine the reliability of the antenna in this electromagnetic rich
environment as well as how it might affect the performance of other systems due to
unintended electromagnetic radiation.
This report will start with exploring the different techniques used in antenna
measurement, namely the near-field measurement technique and the far-field
measurement technique as well as a description of the various antenna parameters used
in characterizing antenna performance. Secondly, it will cover the experiments which
were carried out to obtain the measurements of the blade antenna in the anechoic
chamber using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and the measurements of the
dielectric media. Next, the experimental results were plotted. The antennas were then
modeled and simulations were carried out in CST microwave studio. Simulation results
of varying geometry were obtained, before analyzing and comparing against the
experimental results. Further simulations were also carried out to attempt in
characterizing the out-of-band resonant frequency.