Summary: | Singapore Healthcare system is noted to be well developed and efficient in its
delivery of healthcare services, not only to its populace but also to its neighbours. This
achievement is attributed to the government's change in healthcare polices during the
1980s that was designed reduce government healthcare expenditure. To achieve this end,
the Singapore government introduced a co-payment scheme (namely Medisave,
Medishield and Medifund) that made health consumers pay significant portion of their
medical bills through a Central Provident Fund (CPF).
This dissertation investigates the healthcare schemes in Singapore - including
their merits and inadequacies. As one of its task, this work argues that given how these
Medical care schemes worked over the last decade (1997 to 2007), its effect and
implications for the economically disadvantaged in the society, there is the need to
improve upon the current medical care scheme or overhaul it to benefit the poor in
Singapore. This work demonstrates that given factors such as low-wage, ageing
population and those with serious diseases who cannot afford expensive medical
treatments, it is important for the existing schemes to be improved or upgraded to cater
for the healthcare needs of the economically disadvantage.