Summary: | Vectran fibre is a high-performance thermotropic multifilament yarn spun from
Vectra® liquid crystal polymer (LCP). This fibre is the only commercially available
melt spun LCP fibre in the world. Its exceptional strength and rigidity render itself for good market penetration. This body of work aimed to characterise Vectran fibre and study the effects of surface
modification on this fibre. Before the surface modification attempt, Vectran fibre' s inherent bulk properties were carefully analysed utilising scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal analysis and
tensile test. Two important types of Vectran fibres, Vectran HS (VHS) and Vectran
M(VM) fibre, were characterised and the structure-property relationship was
investigated by Spectroscopy Analysis, Element Analysis, Thermal Analysis and
Tensile Test. Spectroscopy and CHNO analysis found that VHS has higher HNA/HBA
ratio than VM fibre. Thermal analysis and tensile test results show that VHS fibre has
higher rigidity and crystallinity than VM fibre. The Module of VHS fibre is twice than
that of VM fibre and the crystalline-nematic transition temperature of VHS is also
higher than that of VM. The Morphology and microstructure of Vectran fibre were
studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The apparently banded structure was
seen on the surface of Vectran fibres.