Summary: | The objectives of this study are to investigate the critical success factors and
problems faced by the various industrial parks developed by Singapore companies,
• Batamindo Industrial Park in Batam, Indonesia,
• Wuxi Singapore Industrial Park in Wuxi, China,
• Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park in Suzhou, China,
• Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park in Binh Duong, Vietnam
This study would be useful for both developers and investors of present and future
industrial parks to understand the critical success factors and to evaluate ways in
which problems faced by investors could be effectively handled.
The research team concluded that there are various factors that make these
industrial parks successful. Briefly, these factors are that the industrial parks are
strategically located, close co-operation between Governments, one-stop centre for
approval of permits, reliable infrastructures, abundant labour force, Singapore's
reputation and software transfer, quality working and living environment and the
local partners' supports.