Summary: | This study presented the analysis of funny YouTube videos about libraries, library staff
and library users. The purpose of the study was to promote library and library services
through funny YouTube videos. Content analysis was selected as the research
methodology for this study, and 335 videos were analyzed. The study found that prank
videos, videos about irresponsible behavior of library users and games videos are the
most popular among the twelve video categories. This study also showed that videos
from mainstream media attract more viewers than user-generated videos. Most of the
video uploaders are ordinary people, and most of the funny videos are shot in academic
libraries. It also reviewed the top 20 videos and their categories. It was found that 10
percent of the videos represent 90 percent of total video views. For every 10,000 views,
there are 38 favorites, 30 ratings and 10 comments given by the users, on average. This
study suggested three ideas, namely “Simple Creation”, “Easy Attraction” and
“Memorial but Risky”, to be used by libraries for creating promotional videos.