Summary: | 随着科技的普及,日本动漫在各地的日渐发展,也对汉语词汇产生了影响。某些新词汇开始进入汉语。其中,“おたく”一词在日本原指“某种事物的爱好者”,后也引伸出“动漫爱好者”的词义。“おたく”在汉语译作“御宅族”,也简称“宅”,但由于媒体对一社会犯罪事件的渲染,以及《电车男》效应,词义与日语中的有所不同。大众产生误解,将“御宅族”局限为具贬义的“动漫爱好者”代名词。不仅如此,另外一个开始在汉语流行,与“おたく”有关的词汇“ひきこもり”也同样有词义转变的现象,而人们对其译词的接受程度又有不同。本文将以泷本龙彥的作品《欢迎加入N.H.K!》作为研究对象,针对作品中所使用的“おたく”与“ひきこもり”二词进行研究,探讨二词在汉语词义是否转变,之后以“模糊语言学”理论与“多元系统”理论讨论语言规范、翻译、文化各方面对二词的影响,阐释二词在汉语中的接受情况。Technology has spurred the expansion of Japan’s comic and animation industry in various countries, while simultaneously influencing Chinese lexicon. New lexicons from comic and anime have entered into Chinese lexicon, one of which being “otaku”, which has two meanings, one of which is “a person obsessed with a hobby” and a second meaning of “obsessed comic/anime fan”. However, reports by the media on a case related to “otaku”, as well as the influence of “Densha Otoko”, the meaning of “otaku” in Chinese changed and it now came to only mean “obsessed comic/anime fan”. Another lexicon “hikikomori” faces the same problem in terms of a negative connotation in its definition. Furthermore “hikikomori” also has multiple translations in Chinese which are received differently. This paper attempts to study the change in lexicon meaning of “otaku” and “hikikomori” in Chinese lexicon, using linguistics and translation theories to provide explanations to the varying receptions of the translated lexicons.