Summary: | 上古汉语中,“于”字本用作动词,后语法化成介词。“于”作为一个介词,其可以引介动作到达的处所、动作起始的处所、动作进行的处所。由于产生了“语法化”的现象,当“于”作为介词进入了表处所结构的句式“V于NP”时,学者们对“于”是否表达意义,或是否承担指派语义角色的任务有不同的立场和见解。因此,本文尝试解决以下问题:1. 针对《左传》中表空间结构的句式“V于NP”作考察,研究句式“V于NP”中的介词宾语的语义角色是由动词所指派,抑或是由介词“于”的多种含义所支配。2. 根据研究结果,归纳出介词“于”在空间结构里的功能(空间终点、空间处所、空间起点)之间的演变关系。3. 根据郭锡良(1997)的考证,甲骨文中,介词“于”最早用来介绍行为的处 所,扩展出介绍行动的时间,再扩展动作涉及的对象。本文尝试借用现有的不同的假说,归纳出“于”从表空间结构处所的介词进而延伸至表社会域结构中涉及人物对象的介词的语法链条。“yu” was originally used as a verb in Archaic Chinese, and grammaticalize to a preposition. “yu” as a preposition, it is used to introduce a goal, a source or a location. As a result of Grammaticalization, there are different opinions among researchers whether “yu” has an exact meaning and whether “yu” can assign semantic role in the “V+yu+ NP” construction. Hence, this paper try to solve some issues as below: 1. To examine whether the semantic role of the prepositional object in “V+yu+NP” construction in Archaic Chinese is assigned by a verb or the multiple meanings of “yu” . 2. To generalize the evolution between the function of preposition “yu” (goal , location and source) in spatial domain. 3. According to the studies of Guo Xi-Liang (1997), the preposition “yu” was originally used to introduce a location, then extended to introduce time and patient. In this paper, we apply in different hypothesis and try to propose the evolution chain of “yu” from spatial domain to a non-spatial domain.