Summary: | 建安时期是文学自觉的时代,而曹丕与曹植正是这个时期两位非常重要的文人。他们领导了邺下文人集团进行许多文学创作,其中不乏各式各样题材的诗。在众多题材之下,曹丕与曹植各自写了许多关于女性的诗,曹丕的诗细腻清越、缠绵悱恻;曹植的诗则辞藻华丽、情感强烈。曹丕与曹植的诗中不乏以怨妇、思妇等女性口吻所写的代言体诗,也有不少其他描写女性的诗。本文将整理曹丕与曹植的诗集,并把其中有关女性的诗摘选出来,再通过统计的方法,分析诗中对女性心理活动、长相、动作以及意象的使用等,再以表格把它们整理出来。之后笔者将完整勾勒曹丕与曹植诗中的女性形象。The Jian’an period (CE196~CE219) is the era in which Chinese literature entered the age of consciousness and Cao Pi and Cao Zhi are two important literati of this epoch. They led the YeXia Literary Group and produced many literature works, amongst those were a wide variety of poems of different topics. Among the many topics, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi each wrote many poems about women. While Cao Pi’s poems were clear, delicate and sentimental, Cao Zhi’s poems were rhetorically flamboyant and passionate. Cao Pi and Cao Zhi’s had written many Dai Yan Ti poems and poems about women. Dai Yan Ti poems are poems that are written under a pseudo identity, persona or voice. This thesis shall consolidate Cao Pi and Cao Zhi’s poetry anthology and to select from them poems that are written about women. After which, through calculation and analysis of the mental activity of the women, their appearances, actions and use of imagery in the poem, tables and forms will be used to collate the data. Through the data collected and analysis of the poems, I aim to outline a complete image of the women in Cao Pi and Cao Zhi’s poems.