Summary: | The Choice Movement is an examination of graphic design as social intervention; via
social justice strategies targeting invisible urban poverty in Singapore. The Movement
seeks to:
1. Make previously esoteric financial information (personal savings plans, the
importance of budgets, reducing debt, etc) accessible to the target group
2. Structure said information into simple and comprehensible visuals (simple data
information system) and text (clear, uncomplicated English)
Low-income families in Singapore are left with little room for choices in life. The second
generation (ages 18 – 29) of low-income families, armed with a better chance at bilingual
education and stronger academic skills, are the catalyst in helping their families break out
of poverty.
By focusing on providing dignity without painting sad, romantic stories for those who
need help in our society, the Choice Movement empowers young adults from low-
income families to realize, channel, and exercise informed choices towards a better
quality of life; thereby breaking out of the poverty cycle.