Summary: | This project is about my journey in the land and consciousness. My views of the contrived environment of Singapore landscape is looked upon with critical view. Essentially, the premise of my works is my search for a landscape that I never had.This series of work is a journey in the land and consciousness. It is a poignant observation of
landscape that is ever changing in the face of reconstructions over what is already constructed. Included also
is my search for a utopia that I never had. My critical view of the altered landscape in Singapore is due to the
environment in which I was brought up: surrounded by designed nature and high-rise buildings. The
psychological effect of living in such a contrived environment, after seeing the photography from the New
Topographies as well as paintings by the Romantics, placed me in a state of envy. Perhaps what I have been
searching is my reaction to sought out for a landscape that I never had.