Summary: | Sky & Night is a short film Directed by Phuong Dao and Produced by Priscilla Hoo, together with
their key players; Aaron Ng (Director of Photography), Michelle Cheong (Production Designer),
Philip Tan (Sound Supervisor) as well as Cheng Shian Wen (Post Supervisor), as their Final Year
Project. The team is made up of final year students from the School of Art, Design and Media
(ADM) in NTU. The duration of the entire film project took two semesters i.e 8 months, under the
supervision of Prof Isaac Kerlow followed by Asst Prof Jaymz Wong.
This report aims to document the whole process of making the film from initial conceptualization
of an idea from a film pitch to the making of a film through the pre-production, production and
post-production stage. It also highlights key events and difficulties faced, together with decisions
made throughout the journey towards completion of the film. Most importantly, this report is a
collaborative reflection of what filmmaking is all about.