Summary: | Currently, fluorescence tags are widely used in the studying of biological specimens such as cell morphology, cancer development, and in specific components tagging. The main drawbacks of fluorescence tags are photo-bleaching, and are limited to non auto-fluorescence specimens only. In this report, non-fluorescence gold nano particles in the size of 47nm were used as the tagging tools instead. The gold nano particles will be tagged to cytochrome-c in Cos-7 cells to study their mechanisms. Upon apoptosis, the release of cytochrome-c from mitochrondria can be tracked by identifying the localization of the gold nano particles. This provides an effective way to study the process of apoptosis, which is an important subject of study in cancer research. The successful tagging of cytochrom-c to gold nano particles will first be confirmed outside the cell using hyperspectral imaging before doing it in vivo. Localization of GNPs during apoptosis was also carried out using Cytoviva to serve as a reference.