Summary: | The development in the monolithic integration of chip-scale photonic devices has been
hindered by the lack of efficient light amplification and lasing components. Recently,
stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) process has been proposed as a possible solution to
obtain optical gain inside waveguides. However, the detrimental nonlinear loss strongly
limits the performance of silicon-based active devices such as Raman amplifiers and
lasers. As presented by recent experimental and theoretical works, chalcogenide material
(As2Se3 in particular) possesses significantly greater Raman gain than silica and
negligible free carrier absorption (FCA) nonlinear loss comparing to silicon, which is
almost ideal for SRS-based high efficiency light emitting.
In this final year project, we conduct a theoretical study on the light amplification, lasing
and relative intensity noise (RIN) transfer characteristics of chalcogenide Raman
amplifier (CRA) and laser (CRL). Theoretical model with a set of time-independent
wave-propagating equations is constructed and RIN is modeled as small amplitude
modulation of the mean power. The equations are solved numerically by computer
programs for the mean power and the noise level inside the waveguides. A series of
analyses regarding key performance parameters including the pump power, waveguide
length, noise frequency, etc. are carried out. The obtained results on CRA and CRL are
then compared with the well-established silicon Raman amplifier (SRA) and silicon
Raman laser (SRL) with the same waveguide dimension and simulation parameters.
Based on our comprehensive numerical analysis, we show that CRA and CRL outplay
their silicon counterpart in terms of energy efficiency and noise performance. In addition,
dual-pumping scheme is proposed and verified to be an effective RIN suppression
configuration for CRL and SRL.