总结: | Technology has evolved tremendously since the early 20th century. From personal computer to mobile phone, video and image streaming technologies are already well developed. However, the streaming technology for 3D graphics such as human motion capture (mocap) data is still far from practice use. Therefore, in this report, the author proposes ASF/AMC file format streaming to replace the existing 3D model or so called mesh data streaming based on JPEG 2000 streaming technique. For existing 3D model streaming, two changes which are automation reread process and increases in streaming rate, are made to enhance the overall performance of the system. Conclude that streaming based on JPEG 2000 Internet Protocol does not support well on 3D animation, author turn his attention to motion capture data. System analysis and design is craved and lead to the formation of system flow chart. Java is the programming language that is used throughout the development stages. The user interface of the client and server makes streaming request more robust.