Summary: | Location awareness of wireless sensor network (WSN) is an important area that attracted significant research interest. This interest could be developed further in many areas concerning environmental protection, forest fire detection, battlefield surveillance, industrial process monitoring and control, machine health monitoring, and so on. The key advantage in WSN is to produce low cost and provide very low power method for data acquisition in monitoring areas of interests.
This final year project is part of an ongoing bigger project. The main goal of the project is to design and develop the localization technique in the wireless sensor network (WSN) application. The location of a sensor node can be estimated based on the current set of hop-count values, which are collected through the four anchor nodes’ broadcasting messages. These anchor nodes are placed in four corners of the square region.
This proposed technique involves with the help of Crossbow MICAz Motes, and to use the programs such as nesC and MATLAB to present the data in a more organized way. In addition, the localization algorithm is implemented using nesC code and tested with a set of Crossbow sensors nodes and achieved the satisfactory results.