Summary: | 本文的研究目的乃是以“历时性”的眼光去探究鲁迅作品中的“复仇思想”在其三个人生阶段的“演变”,借着发现并对比这“三阶段”复仇思想在导向和意义上的异同,看出其演变过程,并挖据出“演变”背后的推动力和内涵。本文发现,鲁迅的“复仇思想”乃是以“立人”为基础,以“兴国”为目的,随着时局的变革和需要不断演变的。国民性格中的“劣根性”是鲁迅的复仇思想无法付诸于现实的主因,使其陷入“绝望”,但鲁迅性格中对于“复仇”的执着迫使他在“绝望”中通过反思和自剖寻求“希望”,这使其复仇思想的不断演变。This dissertation, a diachronic study of the evolution of Lu Xun's "Thoughts on Vengeance". By comparing the differences and similarities of Lu Xun's "Thoughts on Vengeance" during three different stages of his life we can derive the intrinsic essence and the pushing force which caused it to evolve.It is discovered in this dissertation that the intrinsic essence of Lu Xun's "Thoughts on Vengeance" is his life-long pursuit in rebuild the character of people in China in order to bringing the rejuvenation of China. Furthermore,The "flawed Character" in China people is the major hindrance Lu Xun faced in fulfilling his goal of "vengeance", this rendered him in a sate of despair,however, This did not consume him,but rather pushed him to constantly reflect and improve on his past Thoughts on Vengeance this bring in Hope in Despair and caused his "Thoughts on Vengeance" to evolve constantly.