Summary: | 韩偓《香奁集》是一部艳情诗歌集,在当时的封建社会中找不到应有的地位,并受排挤。许多学者甚至为了维护韩偓“一代忠臣”的身份,想方设法考证《香奁集》非韩偓所作,但屡战屡败。有些学者却认为晚唐文化风流薮泽,韩偓也腐朽其中,但无实证。清代学者震钧认为《香奁集》别有寄托,可见其忠君爱国,把韩偓比作屈原;将《香奁集》比作《离骚》、《九歌》。这种想法却遭后人质疑,认为震钧的论点牵强。笔者认为震钧的观点不无道理,《香奁集》确实有忠君爱国之情,并非无中生有,解读中体味其意,认同震钧之见,并在此篇论文加以发扬与诠释。笔者将梳理韩偓的忠君表现,并通过细读韩偓的香奁诗篇以及学者的相关论文,结合晚唐五代的语境,研究并统计韩偓的修辞手法与整体的情感基调,最后将其诗篇作了具体的分析与解读。Han Wo's "Xiang Lian Ji" is a collection of Erotic poetries. In the feudal society, there is absolutely no room to accommodate romantic poetry and is subjected to exclusion. Many researchers have tried to protect his identity as a loyal officials by trying to find evidences to justify that he did not author "Xiang Lian Ji", but did not succeed. Some researchers think that Han Wo has immersed into the Late Tangs' culture of visiting brothels, however there was not any evidence to support. Qing researcher, Zhen Jun commented that Han Wo wrote "Xiang Lian Ji" to entrust his loyalty for his country and emperor, and further compared Han Wo to Qu Yuan, "Xiang Lian Ji" to "Li Sao" and "Jiu Ge", this was later met with revolts from many researchers. The author agrees with Zhen Jun’s view and has written this thesis to further elaborate on this thinking. First, the author will consolidate his patriotic evidences and with in depth reading of Han Wo’s poetries and related journals and articles of Han Wo, further enhanced by contextualizing Han Wo’s poetries along with the context of late Tang and Five dynasties, elaborates and analyses the rhetorical and emotions frequently appeared in Han Wo's poems, lastly specific analysis and interpretation of Han Wo's "Xiang Lian" poems.