Summary: | 本文通过西方后现代主义文学批评学者——琳达·哈琴的“历史元小说”理论,解读黎紫书以历史为题材的第一部长篇小说《告别的年代》,穿透后设小说迂回的语言游戏,把小说中所再现的马来西亚历史,与现实中的历史记载作比较。小说中虚实互涉的叙事手法,渗透着作者质疑客观历史的态度。此外,也透过后殖民的批评视角,看黎紫书如何通过故事情节,影射马来西亚华人模棱两可的身份认同,以及其虚无的社会定位。最后发现,黎紫书想借着《告别的年代》所传达的,是一种辞别历史的态度:让历史成为历史。This thesis analyses Li Zishu’s first history novel, Gao Bie de Nian Dai (The Era of Farewell) based on Linda Hutcheon’s theory of “historiographic metafiction”, breaking through the sophisticated discourse of a metafiction, to compare the represented Malaysian history and the historical records in reality (History). Behind this intertwined storyline of reality and fiction, is the sceptical attitude of the author towards History. Moreover, with a postcolonialism perspective, we observe how Li reflects the ambiguous identity of Malaysian Chinese. With all this, what Li wants to deliver through her novel, is an attitude of “let bygones be bygones” towards history, asking the readers to let go of the past and let history be history itself.