Summary: | Singapore is well-known for having one of the world’s busiest port and maritime operations. It was rated the top busiest port by volume and second by Twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) quantity. An enormous challenge face by both Singapore and all major ports in the world is the ability to be able to generate feasible stowage plan for ship. In the past, stowage plans were generated by human experts though experience. However, as years goes by, economic growth and free-trade agreement causes the number of ships and quantity of containers embarking in Singapore to increase, resulting in inefficiently in stowage planning by human expert. Hence storage plans generation algorithm for container ships became really crucial for the planning and allocations of containers on board the ship for loading and unloading purposes. In this project the algorithm has already been developed but it currently only utilizes one processor when running. In the current state of technological advancement, we have at our disposal multi-core processor, thus not utilizing multi-cores for processing is a great waste of processing power.