Summary: | Atherosclerosis is the narrowing and hardening of the arteries due to the accumulation of plaque in the walls of the blood vessel. It is often the cause of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. At present, there are many medical devices that are used to treat atherosclerosis. One common method is the insertion of catheter with deflated balloon into the diseased coronary artery. The balloon would be inflated to exert a pressure to open the diseased coronary artery. A stent is also inserted to keep the diseased artery remain open. However, Drug Eluting Stent (DES) is still not a good solution to atherosclerosis as it will cause the onset of late stent restenosis. Therefore, Drug Eluting Balloon (DEB) was chosen as it has more advantages that DES.
The DEB project is split into different parts and the main focus of this report is on the evaluation of the bioadhesive layer. Due to time constraint, only Noveon-AA1 was evaluated. Noveon-AA1 was transferred onto the swine aorta, submerged in alginate solution and rotated using the rotating cylinder. As alginate has similar rheology to blood, it is used to mimic the physiological conditions in human body. The amount of bioadhesives dissolved in the alginate solution was then quantified at different time intervals over a period of time using both the pH and fluorescence spectroscopy testing method. After which, the amount of bioadhesive retained in the swine aorta tissue can then can calculated.
The average retention of Noveon-AA1 in the tissue was approximately 20% after 28hrs of rotation under a shear stress of 1 dynes/cm2. The retention is considered relatively low as even under a shear stress lower than the normal arterial wall (10 – 70 dynes/cm2), the loss of the bioadhesive is high; therefore a better bioadhesive can be evaluated in order to ensure a better drug delivery system.