Summary: | Fatigue occurs due to cyclic loadings and may cause catastrophic damages if not
rectified in time. It is thus important to monitor and predict the remaining useful life span of
materials to avoid unwanted losses in equipments and human lives. Traditional inspection
methods which are time consuming and require robust equipments are no more sufficient for the
requirements of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM).
This research study puts its emphasis in developing a damage prognosis model to come
up with a prediction of the growth of fatigue crack. Subsequently, the remaining useful life span
may be evaluated. A damage index having a relationship with the remaining useful life span is
also proposed by the author, followed by experimental and numerical studies to investigate on
the practicability of damage prognosis by using piezoelectric transducers.
As there are still some discrepancies in the proposed method and damage index, further
work is required to improve on the consistency of damage index so that the remaining useful
life span can be predicted at a higher confidence level.