Summary: | The common Indoor positioning systems include Active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wifi positioning system, Bluetooth positioning system, ultra-wideband positioning system, infrared tracking system, etc. Among them, infrared tracking system is a relatively cheap method for indoor tracking application.
This infrared tracking system is built on microprocessor Atmega328 and it consists of
mainly three parts: a few emitters, many receivers and a central control unit which
obtain necessary data from receivers to locate the emitter position. Emitters are
attached to the objects to be tracked and they are coded in a similar way as a TV remote
control. Each emitter functions like a single button on the TV remote with its unique
code. The receivers’ positions are fixed, and the receiver diodes have a certain sensible
distance based on the IR signal strength. The IR tracking system determines the emitters’
approximate position by knowing the receivers’ fixed position and their sensible