Summary: | 内忧外患层出不穷的晚清,飘荡着末世的气氛。在这样的时代中,文学展现了旺盛的活力。1902年在梁启超的提倡下,晚清中国掀起了一股小说热潮。文坛小说创作如雨后春笋般涌现,其中更包括前所未有的科学小说。它以直线时间描述的手法,以民主、自由、进化、科学为主题,利用中国的传统精神资源、西方的现代科学术语,勾勒出对中国未来的美好想象。这也是一个狂欢的时代,人人都投入到对国家的想象中,和国家展开对话,建构出共同的乌托邦想象。本文借着分析这类文本的时间叙事、科学的祛魅和乌托邦想象,发掘潜藏于晚清科学小说中,晚清人士对未来理想国的憧憬,并且了解晚清的新民族认同如何在科学小说中被建构起来。 An atmosphere of fin-de-siècle filled the late Qing Dynasty when the country was hit by a lot of troubles. However, the literary circle at that time had showed vitality. Under the leadership of Liang Ch’i-ch’ao in 1902, a wave of novel-writing had emerged in late Qing Dynasty. In the literary circle, new novel sprung up in the given fertile ground, and these works included the unprecedented genre of scientific romance. It made use of the skill of time narrative, the theme of democracy, freedom, evolution, science and the traditional spirit of China as well as the scientific terms from western world, to project an idealistic version of future China. It was the era of Carnivalization, when everyone was involved in the dialogue with country and the world. In this dialogue, the concept of future China was constructed and became the imagination of Utopian public sphere in late Qing Dynasty. By deconstructing the time narrative, science disenchantment as well as the Utopian imagination of scientific romance, this paper reveals the vision late Qing writers had for future China, and seeks to understand how the new national identity was being constructed.